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Each quarter, you will need to complete a book report. You will need to read a chapter book of your choice for this project. You will have 4 project options from which to choose.  You are to work on these at home and bring them in on the day they are due. You will need to complete all four options by the end of the year and  you may do one only once. 


Here are the choices:

1)    Collage

You will create a collage about the book you read. You may use magazines, construction paper, picture printed of the internet or anything else you can think of to create this collage. Everything on the collage has to have something to do with the book. They should include the characters, the setting and the plot of the story.

2)   Picture Story/Comic Strip

You will need to draw a series of pictures or a comic strip for your book. Each picture will represent an aspect of the story. One picture will show the character, another setting, and three or four will tell the plot of the story. Each picture should be labeled.

3)   Movie Poster/Advertisement

You will create a movie poster or advertisement for your book, even if it isn’t already a movie. Your poster should have the title of the book and the characters in bold letters. Your picture should show what the setting is and a big event that happens in the book.

4)   Character Poster

You will create a poster that portrays a character in your book.  You will have an opening for your own face and hands so that when you read your book report to the class, you will be “wearing” your poster.  Your report that you will read must include the other characters in your book, the setting and a summary of the book.


Along with the physical project, you will be asked to do a short oral presentation about the book you read. You will show off their project and tell the class about your book. You will need to tell us what your favorite part of the book was and what you would rate your book on a scale of one to five.

Quarterly Book Reports


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